- 239 Eaklor Dr, Alfred, NY 14802 Campus Map
Connors Hall
- Residence Hall
The newly renovated 84-bed Connors Hall (previously named Openhym) includes 75 doubles and 9 singles. Located just up the hill from both Powell Campus Center and Herrick Library, Connors is the largest co-educational facility on campus.
Statistics and History
- 1 RD and 6 RAs supervise this facility
- Constructed: 1969
- Renovated: Summer 2020
- Originally named in honor of Evelyn Tennyson Openhym; renamed in 2022 in honor of Greg Connors '92, long-time member of the Board of Trustees and former Chair.
- Capacity:
- 150 Students
- 6 Resident Assistants
- 1 Resident Director
About this Facility
Recent renovations to newly named Connors Hall (previously named Openhym) included the removal of dated dividers and built-ins in the doubles. The completely updated first-floor now includes a game room, makerspace, kitchen and classroom/multipurpose space. It also houses our Leadership Living Learning Community.
Due to the unique design of the building, Connors Hall offers large common lounges on each floor that are utilized as central locations for meetings and RA programming, as well as study space. Connors is home to the Late Night Study lounge adjacent to the main lounge on the first floor for all students to utilize after library closing hours.
Sample Double Room Layout:
Sample Single Room Layout:
What Students Say...
"Best view of campus."
"I love that it is so close to Powell."
"More showers... and they're private!"
"Kitchen on every floor."
"Connors has the best lounges."
"Biggest hall on campus. Make more friends faster."