The key to success
The success of every product or service relies on an in-depth knowledge of the marketing process. In Alfred University's marketing major, you will not only LEARN about marketing, you will work with real companies in many classes DOING marketing. By rolling up your sleeves and assisting start-ups to big businesses, you gain experience, become better prepared for a marketing career all while making a positive impact!
Marketing + Art
Art and marketing are a natural. Many of AU’s art majors minor in marketing to understand consumer behavior, research and strategy. Working with real companies in the courses offers numerous opportunities to use art skills and build the portfolio!
Marketing + Analytics
If you are a numbers person, AU is one of the first undergraduate programs that offers business analytics as a minor and major. With artificial intelligence and data exploding (especially via social media), combining marketing and business analytics opens a world of opportunities. Courses in marketing analytics and social media marketing reinforce these skills including getting your Google Analytics certification © On the flip side, Engineering students often minor in marketing to grow their business ideas! As you can see, classes offer a unique and powerful synergy of marketing and business majors with art, engineering and liberal arts majors!
Marketing + Communications
Some students are more prone to the creative aspect of marketing over the analytical. No problem! There is huge demand for communication skills from public relations to building content for social media venues. AU offers courses and a minor in communications to build a strong marketer!
Marketing + Psychology/Sociology
Understanding why consumers buy is another aspect of marketing. Minors in psychology/sociology are a perfect fit for marketers that want to build products and campaigns to attract consumers. Classes like consumer behavior and marketing research provide tools to gain knowledge from segmentation research to focus groups.
Marketing as a double major is available to any AU student. To earn a Marketing double major, take all courses listed below, totaling 72 credits.
Learn more about Double Majors
- ACCT 211 Financial Accounting
- ACCT 212 Managerial Accounting
- BUSI 113 or other AU statistics course
- BUSI 213 Research Methods
- BUSI 499 Business Policy
- ECON 202 Principles of Macroeconomics
- FIN 348 Managerial Finance
- LAW 241 Legal Environment of Business
- MGMT 328 Management and Org Behavior
- MGMT 484 Operations Management
- MIS 101 Analytics II
- MIS 390 Intro to MIS
- MKTG 221 Marketing Principles & Management
- MKTG 300+ Choose 1 upper-level business selected electives
- MKTG 311 Digital & Social Media Mktg
- MKTG 379 Consumer Behavior
- MKTG 452 Marketing Research
- MKTG 486 Integrated Marketing Communication'
- MKTG 489 International Marketing
- MKTG 499 Strategic Marketing & Intelligence
- ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics
- ENGL 101 Writing 1
- MATH 104 or 151 or higher or BUSI 150
Success Rate
98% of our graduates are employed full-time or entered graduate school after six months of graduation.
You will need to complete the Business Professional Core and the Arts and Sciences Core, general, and arts and sciences electives totaling a minimum of 60 credit hours. In addition, all marketing majors must take:
- MKTG 311 Digital and Social Media Marketing
- MKTG 452 Marketing Research
- MKTG 479 Consumer Behavior
- MKTG 486 Integrated Marketing Communication
- MKTG 499 Strategic Marketing Management
Plus, choose one or more of the following:
- MKTG 453 Marketing Practicum
- MKTG 460 Seminar in Marketing
- MKTG 482 Sales Management
- MKTG 489 International Marketing
- MKTG 322 Marketing Analytics
- MKTG 454 Market Intelligence & Strategy
Business Professional Core Requirements
- ACCT 211 Financial Accounting
- ACCT 212 Managerial Accounting
- BUSI 105 Business Perspectives
- BUSI 106 Contemporary Business
- BUSI 457 International Business
or FIN 458 International Financial Management
or ECON 412 International Economics
or MKTG 489 International Marketing - BUSI 499 Business Policy
- FIN 348 Managerial Finance
- LAW 241 The Legal Environment of Business
- MGMT 328 Management and Organizational Behavior
- MGMT 484 Operations Management
- MIS 390 Introduction to Management Information Systems
- MKTG 221 Marketing Principles and Management
Additional Requirements:
Students are required to complete a Field Experience option selected from the following choices:
- Approved Internship (BUSI 485)
- Advanced courses with Active Learning Component (designated as CoB: Field Experience)
Arts and Sciences Core
Quantitative Methods
- BUSI 113 Descriptive Analytics and Statistics
- BUSI 213 Research Methods for Business
- MATH 104 Quantitative Methods for Business
- MIS 101 Analytics I
- ENGL 101 Writing I
- ENGL 102 Writing II
- ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics
- ECON 202 Principles of Macroeconomics
Social Sciences (minimum)
Natural Sciences (minimum)
Humanities (minimum)
*MATH 151 Calculus I can substitute for MATH 104. Writing requirements are specified in the Catalog under General Education Requirements for Liberal Arts and Sciences, Basic Competencies, Written Communication.
The Bachelor's of Science business degree is composed of professional core courses shared by all majors, business courses specific to each major, business electives totaling 48 credits in business, arts and sciences and general education core courses specified for business, and liberal arts electives to reach a minimum of 60 credits of liberal arts courses (as required for all Bachelor of Science degrees). Depending on the major, you will take additional electives to reach the total of 120 credit hours required for graduation. You are also required to :
- Complete a minimum of 30 credit hours in upper division business courses
- Maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average overall
- One Personal Fitness course (credits not included in the 120 credits required for graduation) and one Wellness Course.
- Satisfy the University's Global Perspectives requirement
After your first year is complete, we urge all business students to gain the valuable, real-world experience only an internship can offer. Past students have interned with Fortune 500 companies, hockey foundations, religious charities, music companies, and many others.
- Most internships occur during the summer months between semesters
- Each credit hour you’ll earn equals 45 hours of work; you'll figure out the actual schedule with your site supervisor
- Internships may or may not be paid, depending on your host organization
- Grades are assessed based on complete, timely submission of all required internship documentation, with the final learning report weighted most heavily
Alfred University's minor in marketing is open to all majors. It provides you with an excellent opportunity to learn the basic principles of marketing products, services, ideas, places and/or personalities, while enhancing the skill sets valued by employers.
The minor includes 19 credit hours including:
- BUSI 113 Descriptive Analytics and Statistics (ENGR 305, POLS/SOCI 230, PSYC 220 or MATH 241 may be substituted)
- ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics
- MKTG 221 Marketing Principles and Management
- MKTG 479 Consumer Behavior
Plus 6 credit hours from among the following:
- MKTG 311 Digital and Social Media Marketing
- MKTG 452 Market Research
- MKTG 453 Marketing Practicum
- MKTG 460 Seminar in Marketing
- MKTG 482 Sales Management
- MKTG 486 Integrated Marketing Communication
- MKTG 489 International marketing
- MKTG 499 Strategic Marketing Management
Students must complete at least half the course work at Alfred University and achieve a grade point average of at least 2.0 "C" in courses submitted for completion of the minor.
Student Stories

Marketing in the Hospitality Industry
"Alfred University gave me a platform to be creative, explore my passions and to develop as a leader. After graduation, I felt empowered to jump into the professional environment to put my skills to..."
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The digital world continues to evolve, so our marketing program focuses more on analytics and social media than ever before. In fact, ours is one of the first undergraduate degrees in business analytics and our marketing majors are flocking to the minor, creating LOTS of jobs opportunities right after graduation!